Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Write about the most interesting thing you've ever heard of or learned

The most interesting thing i learned was a bout the Aztec culture human sacrifice. Human sacrifice was an aspect of historical Aztec culture, although the extent of the practice is debated by scholars. The Spaniards who first met the Aztecs explicitly stated in their writings that human sacrifice was widely practiced in Mesoamerica. For example, Bernal Díaz's The Conquest of New Spain includes eye-witness accounts of the remains of sacrificial victims. In addition, there are a number of second-hand accounts of human sacrifices written by Spanish friars, told to them by native eye-witnesses.

Currently, scholars largely accept that human sacrifice was practiced in the Aztec Empire as well as throughout pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. Since the late 1970s, excavations of the offerings in the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan,Teotihuacán's Pyramid of the Moon and other archaeological sites have provided physical evidence of human sacrifice among the Mesoamerican peoples.
A wide number of interpretations of the Aztec practice of human sacrifice have been proposed by modern scholars, with regards to both its religious and social significance. For example, one theory that has been widely discredited is that the Mesoamerican diet was lacking protein and that cannibalism of sacrificial victims was a necessary part of the Aztec diet. Other theories link the practice to special socio-psychological factors or see it as a political tool. Most Mesoamerican scholars, however, see it as a part of the millennia-long cultural tradition of human sacrifice in Mesoamerica.
Human sacrifice among pre-Columbian indigenous populations is a controversial topic. The discussion of human sacrifice is also tied with the classic conflict between viewing indigenous peoples as either "noble savages" or "primitive barbarians" also within modern scholarship, where some scholars tend to romanticize the description of human sacrifice while others tend to exaggerate it.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Write about a teacher that helped influence or change you

A teacher that really changed me for the better would have to be my old history teacher Mrs.Knox she was in my opinion the best history teacher I had ever had . Mrs. Knox made learning about history fun for me again, she made me see the cultures of other people from around the world without even leaving the classroom. Mrs. Knox was like a second mother to me.  She made sure i kept my grades up and stayed out of trouble.  One of the most important things Mrs. Knox  taught me is that there are good teachers out there who actually care about the children they teach. Mrs. Knox changed be for the better i feel and hopefully some of the newer teachers can take note of the great job she did with children other than my self.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Solar Cup Club

Concept by Solar Cup Club
Illustration by Gilberto Morales
Color palette by Denisse Torralba